Commercial Loudspeaker System Design Software

  • A+

Name: AkAbak

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1

Distributor: Panzer & Partner

Programmer: Joerg W. Panzer

Agent: Bang-Campbe 1 1 Associates

Price: US$950

Description: AkAbak simulates electroacoustical networks by a modular system. With the AkAbak script-driven input system, you can describe and document even complicated acousticalmodels.AkAbak comprises abstract filters and feedback units, electroacoustic drivers, as well as electrical and acoustic devices (eg. Duct, Enclosure, Horn, etc.). The simulation displays the impulse response of the sound pressure and power, directivity, as well as network potentials and flows. AkAbak solves the radiation problem by numerical integration of the radiation spheres of diaphragms and horns. This allows highperformance analysis, even in the upper frequency range. AkAbak's utilities include: synthesis of passive networks up to 30th order, including coil losses, design tool for highpass filtered vented boxes, parameter determination for dynamic and piezo drivers. A full function demo version and site licensing is available.

Name: BassBox 5.1

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1 with 386SX or better CPU.

Distributor: Harris Techno1ogies, old Colony Sound Lab, Audiosoft

Price: US$99

Description Low-frequency loudspeaker enclosure design program. Accepts both Thiele-Small (Fs, Qts, Vas, No) and electromechanical parameters (Qes, Qms, Cms, Mms, Rms, BL), and can convert between the two types of parameters. Box design types: maximally flat vented box with Q1 adjustment, custom vented box. 4th and 6th order bandpass vented boxes (including one which oorts rear chamber into front chamber), passive radiator box, optimum closed box, custom closed box, 3 multiole woofer boxes. Design options: small and large signal analysis, examine one speaker in several different boxes. Examine several different speakers in the same box, manual override available for vented box tuning, multiple ports, box dimension calculator with 15 different volume shapes, enter speaker amplitude (acoustic response), use English or metric units, vent dimension calculator with various end correction options, save and recall designs. Graohs include: normal ized sound pressure amplitude, sound pressure amplitude referenced to 2.83V, phase response, group delay, acoustic power, and impedance. Graphs can be saved in memory for later recall, and can be overlaid for printing. Includes test procedures to test and calculate speaker and passive radiator parameters (some basic test equipment is required to use this feature). A user-extensible driver database (now with over 1800 drivers) is included, and the program makes extensive use of on-line help.

Name: BoxModel 1.0 for Windows

Computer: Microsoft Windows

Distributor: old Colony Sound Lab

Programmer: Robert Bullock, Robert White (both contactable by email)

Price: US$75

Description: Assumed to include main features of the DOS edition, plus aperiodic loading.

Name: Boxplot 2.0

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.x

Distributor: Sparta Sound Company

Programmer: Rick Car1son

Price: US$25

Description: Designs closed and vented enclosures using Thiele-Small parameters. Includes filter assisted designs and vent calculator. Plots sound pressure response.

Name: CALSOD 3.10

Computer: MSDOS

Distributor: Audiosoft

Price: US$ 320

Agent: Harmonic Design GmbH, S0nic Design AB, Munro Associates. ME Technologies, Marton Music

Description: CALSOD 3.10 can model complete multiway (two-way, Three-way, four-way, etc) loudspeaker systems.Features include minimumphase curve-fitting techniques enabling accurate siniulations of driver sound pressure and impedance responses to be created, including phase response that is important in crossover network design, siniulat ion of sound pressure and impedance response for vented, sealed, passive-radiator, fi1ter-assisted and bandpass low-frequency alignments, the designer can specify the positions of drivers on The baffle for accurate simuilation of effects on summed response caused by interdriver time delays to the listening position, optimization of completely general user-defined pass ive and active crossover networks with up to 60 components, standard filter target functions for LinkwitzRiley, Butterworth, Bessel, constant voltage and userdefined designs, curvefitting optimizer for quickly creating sound pressure models of driver response, curvefitting optimizer for creating impedance response models, curvefit opt imizer for esiimating driver Thiele-Small parameters (Qes, Qms, Qts, Fs Vas, BI, Mms, Cms, etc) from experimental data using added-mass or box 10ading techniques, driver Thiele-Small parameters can also bc estiniated using a single measurement of the driver impedance when mounted in a vented-box of known volutoe and arbitrary tuning, driver impedance models use frequency dependent voice-coil inductance and resistance, parameters which can be automatically determined by the impedance curve-fit optimizer and Thiele-Small parameter estimator, automatic dcr calculation for air-cored inductors; piston approximation for driver models to simulate off-axis radiation characteristics, specify orientation of the principal radiation axis of each individual driver model used in the loudspeaker system, import measurement files from MLSSA, IMP, Audiosuite, CLIO, SYSid, System one, AIRR, PC Audio Lab, AMSPC, and LMS analyzers, with support for SPL optimization using up to 5 observation points to account for off-axis radiation characteristics, simulation of the step in the sound pressure response caused by diffraction of sound around the baffie, simulation of the effects of floor reflections on the sound pressure response by setting up a system of loudspeaker sources and images, simulation of room gain effects on low-frequency response, modelling of linear arrays. Plots include impedance of each individual loudspeaker driver, input impedance of the crossover network and loudspeaker combination, voltage transfer function of each filter when it is loaded by its driver, filtered and unfiltered sound pressure response of each loudspeaker driver included in the system, desired target acoustic response function and target impedance function loudspeaker system, including the response at up to five different observation points, magnitude and phase response plots can be presented on a linear frequency scale to allow the linear-phase behaviour of the loudspeaker system to be easily assessed. The program comes with an extensive printed user's manual with detailed tutorial examples. Formulas are provided for determining initial crossover component values for Butterworth, LinkwitzRiley, and Bessel filters.

Name: CALSOD 3.10  Budget edition

Computer: MS-DOS

Distributor: Audiosoft

Price: US$270Agent: old Colony Sound Lab, Sonic Design AB, ME Technologies, Marton Music

Description : The budget edition of CALSOD 3.10 has identical features and capabilities as the full-priced edition. However, the user's manual is supplied as a set of filet on floppy disk, and it must be printed by the user before use. The files are provided in Windows Write 3.1 format, Word for Windows 2.0 format, and plain formatted ASCll text files.

Name: Loudspeaker Analysis and Design Program (LADP) for Windows

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1

Distributor: old Colony Sound Lab .

Price: US$135

Description: LADP performs toodelling, small signal analysis, and design of ported (standard or isobarik, and 6th-order active filtered) , Sealed (standard or isobarik, and 4th-order acfive filtered), passive radiator, bandpass, tubed, and hornloaded enclosures, Bandpass enclosures (4th to 7th order) can be designed and effects of changing the fron and/or rear volume can be examined. Large signal analysis is provided for ported (standard, series isobarik, or parallel isobarik), sealed enclosures. An active highpass filter (1st to 4th order) can be used to act as an infrasonic filter. Port dimension calculation for all designs and one to four ports is available. LADP can also design highpass and lowpass filters (lst to 4th order), including Bessel, Butterworth, Linkwitz-Rilely, Chebyshey, and Legendre-Papoulis. Bandpass filters of order one or two can be constructed for all above types except Bessel. UP to three filter responses at a time can be displayed, including the phase angle. P0lar plots of loudspeaker response are available in the +/- 90 degree range. Some basic archi tectural acoustics analysis can be undertaken, including room reverberation, impulse response, and room modal distribution. on-line help is provided to supplement information for each dia10g box. It also contains helpful hints for designing, building, and testing enclosures and crossovers, as well as general car stereo information.

Name: LEAP 4.56 (Loudspeaker Enclosure Analysis Program)

C0mputer : MS-DOS

Distributor: LinearX Systems Inc

Programmer: Chris Strahm

Price: US$249-US$895

Description: LEAP contains a wide assortment of capabilities that pertain to transducer design, enclosure design, passive network design, active filter design, as well as complete system design. Importing and exporting of data is supported in a variety of formats. Graphs include SPL on-axis response, SPL power response, transducer impedance, network input impedance, port air velocities, transducer excursion, and filter transfer functions. Modelling of sealed or vented highpass and bandpass enclosures, including mutual coupling between multiple ports and drivers, as well as non-linear port effects is supported. Includes a built-in utility for Speaker parameter determination from impedance measurements, and parameter correlation check. Driver voice-coi1 impedance models include frequency dependent resistive and reactive components. An extensive driver library is provided, which can also be updated and expanded by the user, LEAP data can be exported to other loudspeaker CAD programs such as CALSOD. A demo is available by anonymous ftp, and there is also a Web site (see address details listed elsewhere).

Name: ProBox 5.0

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1

Distributor: National Academy of Mobile Electronics

Price: US$100

Description: Calculates configurations from sealed enclosures to triple-cavity iso-vent enclosures. Other features include full color plots, view multiple box designs, view multiple response curves, IASCA wire calculator, breakdown of shapes and sizes in a cut sheet diagram, database to store box designs.

Name: Speakerphile 1.0

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1

Distributor: Acoustical Supply international

Price: US$ 395

Description Speakerphile is a database for use by loudspeaker designers. It includes a component database with information on woofers, tweeters, compression drivers, horns, passive crossovers, cabinet hardware, design software, and measurement equipment. Data on drivers includes electromechanica1 specifications,Thiele-Small parameters icone and voice coil specifications, magnet data, mounting information, coverage patterns and design recommendations. A source database includes contact information for manufacturers, distributors, and sales representatives. Gueries and searches can be carried out on any information in the database. A reference section contains acoustic, electronic, and speaker design formulas, as well as cabinet construction tips. Utilities provide unit conversions and other calculations useful in speaker design. File import/export facilities are included.

Name: Speaker System Designer 4. 2

Computer : MS-DOS & Microsoft Windows 3.1

Distributor: ME Technologies, old Colony Sound Lab

Programmer: Bodzio Software

Price: US$110 to US$210

Description: The program enables the designer to create, then to evaluate, and finally to optimize 2 or 3 way loudspeaker systems. During the enclosure design phase, loudspeaker drivers may be interchanged for quick comparison. The effects of variations in driver parameters may be evaluated using parametric family plots. Driver compensation and crossover filter designs are supported. Room boundary reflections from three planes can be simulated. A crossover component optimizer works on individual driver/filter combinations with up to 12 variable components. The program accepts electromechanical parameters and the magnitude of the sound pressure response for individual drivers, which is entered at 100 discrete frequencies (separately selected for woofer, midrange, and tweeter). Also includes:inductor calculator, L-pad calculator, round vent calculator.Zobel network calculator, series LRC calculator, and an impedance peak suppressor.

Name: WinSpeakerz 95

Computer: Windows 95

Distributor: True lmage Audio

Price: US$299

Description: Similar features to MacSpeakerz, letting you determine driver performance in various enclosure types. Calculators allow you to design passive crossovers, impedance compensat ion networks, and attenuators.

Name: X-over 2.0

Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1 with 386SX or better CPU.

Distributor: Harris Technologies

Price: US$29

Description: X-over calculates the component values for 1st-order to 4th-order 2-way and 3-way crossover networks, load compensating networks, and L-pads.

Name: LspCAD 3.10

Computer: Microsoft Windows 95 & 98

Price: US$129

Distributor: Liberty Instruments Inc

Description: LspCAD is a software that help you to constrct and modle loudspeaker boxes and passive crossover network.The name lspcad is short for Loudspeaker Computer Aided Design.Lspcad includes tow utilities.The box utility that works as a box modeling program and the passive crossover utility that works as a filter modling program.Lspcad does not only present ready to use solutions,a number of diagrams shows virtually all information needed in order to construct passive loudspeaker system.



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